Zip Feed Mill Stands. A brain cell falls.
Thanks for coming to the show last night. You guys are awesome!
Tequila! Tequila!!! TEQUILA!!!!!!!!
You'll be able to tell your grandchildren that you were at the Amish Wumpus Show. So I guess you've got that going for ya. Herky herky hoo!
Link to two home videos of the towers failure to go down, quite funny..
I'm Grandma's Little Helper...
I love you!
Won’t you sleep with me? Promise!
Did you brush your teeth?
Ask me a lot about my dreams.
I had a dream where Mr. Squirrel ate a huge cake.
I had a dream where a chicken was washing dishes.
I had a dream about a beach . . . Never mind, it’s a secret!
Even though I slept a lot, I’m still sleepy.
Are you waking up in the middle of the night?
I want to help out around the house.
I’d be very happy if you played with me.
It feels good when you sing in a loud voice.
Let’s do it together!
Something smells good!
Did you warm yourself up in the bath?
I like soft ears.
I like soft voices.
I give you my treasure.
I want to have a secret that’s just between us two.
I want to go to the inside of a whale’s mouth.
Someday I want to go over the rainbow.
Right now, I want socks.
Listen, listen! I had a dream. I ate a potato. And I was studying at school.
Washing clothes is hard, isn’t it?
Is going out shopping hard?
I want cheese.
Are you eating vegetables?
I want to know about a lot of things.
Why are bunnies’ eyes red?
I wonder what kinds of dreams elephants have.
It’s strange that fish can live in the ocean.
Where does the wind come from and where does it go?
I wonder why the stars don’t fall to the ground.
The sky is so good and big.
Why do you say moshi moshi when you answer the phone? It’s funny!
It’s strange that sometimes you cry when you are laughing.
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