nineteen thanks for our nineteen friends...

... and also to the couple hundred other fine folks who came down to Phil's this weekend.
Gosh, it sure was nice to have such a fun and successful weekend. we have many thanks to make, from the bands, ( some who drove all freakin' day to come down and play), to our patient and understanding friends, who endured ten minutes or more of random feedback and sixty cycle hum from nine different sources).
1. thanks to the nice lady who brought us up some drinks when we were so thirsty we could have fallen over.
2. thanks to spicy for showing me her new tattoo. Ouch!
3. thanks to les for skipping work and videotaping the entire thing.
4. thanks to lance for his mad networking skills.
5. thanks to banik for letting me use his fine, fine drums. what a pleasure to play such a nice kit.
6. thanks to skip and the staff for enduring all of the bullshit we'll never hear about, most of it coming directly from us.
7. thanks to jenn for braving the smokiest bar in town. i hope we didn't cause too much permanent brain/lung damage.
8. thanks to adrienne and kerry for being there for us, every time, in every fashion. you people are truly wonderful, and we love you. i'd kiss you, but ade might get nervous about the beard-on-beard action. well, who knows. maybe she'd take pictures.
9-16. thanks to the people who sat right up front on saturday night. it's clear to me that you must know kung-fu. if i were keanu, i'd be all ... "whoa."
17. thanks to noah for the mad accordion solo. never saw that one coming.
18. thanks to adam, who has a fantastic system and myriad skills, but more importantly in my book, the patience and kindness to deal with nervous and/or drunk musicians, and to pacify them. what other sound contractor brings in strategically-placed fans for the musicians? i've been playing a long time, and i've never seen or received this kind of attention before. a fabulous guy.
19. thanks to zach, danny, and D for coming to our show even though i wasn't able to come to yours. if the planet were full of people like you, it would be..... well, a planet full of startlingly adept musicians with kind hearts, deeply supportive attitudes, and captured skateboard triumphs on small video screens.
we had a wonderful time, and we hope you enjoy the record. we're going to start recording the next album as soon as katrina and the good doktor will tolerate it. much love to you, our nineteen friends. and the couple hundred other new friends we made over the weekend.
Here, here.
Hear, hear.
Didn't we already go through the Hear/Here thing a while back?
Probably. I'm heavily medicated and I don't know what's going on!!!
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