Year of the Dog!
Peever was interesting. Dairy farm turned dog breeding operation had me freaked out at first. When we pulled up, I could see about 20 kennels outside, and I would say about 30 dogs in those runs. We were just sure that she was going to be a puppy miller. If that had been the case, we would have bolted right there and driven back to Brookings to drown our sorrows with a trip "around the world". (Cyan said he would wait for us). As it turns out, it was a fairly tight operation. She knew the dogs just by their faces. All of the dogs were in good health and seemed happy. She let 12 at a time out of their kennels so that we could play with them and pick one out. In the second bunch of wild and crazy canines, one walked up to Adrienne and wanted to be picked up. It knew what it was doing. Ade was hooked from the get go. I had my eye on this sporty little black number, but she didn’t stand a chance against the powers of cute spewing forth from Honey. Honey… not a very tough name, I know. Enough already. Here is a pic of our newest family member. We are going to Denver on vacation on the 16th, so she won’t come home to us until the 21st.

It made me poop!
too late. you may now call me Captain Poopy Face!
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