Look for a story about Wumpus and the New Year's Eve Show in tommorrow's Argus Leader. If you don't want to buy the paper you can just go to http://www.argusleader.com and go to the entertainment or maybe the life section.
I've been pretty sick the last couple of days so you should expect an extra scratchy throat show tommorrow night. Coughing, coughing and more coughing. I've only smoked 6 cigarettes in the last 3 days, so it's pretty serious.
New music I've gotten into recently::
The Arcade Fire ~ Funeral
Black Heart Procession ~ Amore Del Tropico & 1
Secret Chiefs 3 ~ Hurqalya - Second Grand Constitution and Bylaws
The Fire Theft ~ The Fire Theft
TV On The Radio ~ no album in particular
the Secret Chiefs 3 are kind of arabian techno with the occasional surf guitar song
The Fire Theft's singer kind of reminds me of go0d Perry Ferrell
I'm off to make the break music for New Year's...I think I'll go total wacko on this one!