Wumpus Central

Home of the brain of Wumpus.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Something borrowed, something blue

Ok this place is really getting boooooooring. If there's anyone out there I've got an idea.

Let's write a story. I'll start with the first line in the comment box and after that, you all can copy and paste and eventually we'll have something.
You may not write 2 consecutive sentances. Here we go.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

The latest and greatest numbotraul

There are newer mixes of the upcoming Wumpus album N.O.T.E.S. on the site I will put on this post;;;;cereal. I'm not kidding.

Here's another thing. I will remove almost all N.O.T.E.S. soon! so go now before you actually have to buy it you pieces of shit.

here's where to go:
sorry if you have to copy and paste I'm not too savvy.

Frank Dada is falling Frank Dada is falling

from the sky in a plane
and we prepared gifts and candy
Phil's Pub May 7th is the mutha fuckin party
if you miss it you mess it
nose bitch
the bitch nose

bring lace
bring peppermint
saphron pumpernickel

Texas is a long haul
Hall and Oates in the long stall
cow fang numbrotaul
poop pow K-tal (K-tel)

ooohhh ooohhh oohh oohh