Too Little... Too Late
Have you ever had the feeling that the butter on your toast was the leftover scrapings from someone else's crusty overcooked bread?
Mitch Hedberg is freakin hilarious!
All Encompassingly!
Home of the brain of Wumpus.
Have you ever had the feeling that the butter on your toast was the leftover scrapings from someone else's crusty overcooked bread?
i've always said syd was my favorite and now i am 100% sure.
the song grassland surfer (in the U.S.A.) is now in the top 20 on the dmusic rock charts. not bad...not bad at all. there are over 4,000 songs in that catagory so we are definately proud of this non-achievement. next up>>>who knows...
recording goes where the red furn grows
so, how many doctors are you this year, doktor? i think someone deserves a spanking. no, really.
Just when I count them out, they pull me back in. I can't believe how well they played today. Stimmy came over after the game to record and he couldn't believe it either. He said "has the game been over long enough to start celebrating yet?" I said "sure."
Ever since I've been sleeping and milling about. I don't get it. I didn't get drunk last night and I don't think I have the flu. Maybe it's food poisoning or some sort of side affect of an alien abduction. I had weird dreams last night too Kerns!
Well, my boss and Erika both think that the Darwin Theories guy is being ironical. I hope so...I really really hope so (and I think he's a Super Secret Genius).
Kat found this in the opinion section of Sunday's Argus Leader. In case you missed this little gem I'll post it here for your bemusement.